5 Moves You NEVER Wanna Lose
As a fitness enthusiast and coach, I've come to realize the importance of maintaining fundamental movements throughout our lives. Today, I want to share with you five essential moves that you should never lose. These movements are crucial for living a pain-free, active life and represent the core functionalities of the human body.
Let's start with the sit-to-stand, also known as the squat in gym circles. This movement is fundamental to our daily activities, and it's crucial to perform it smoothly and without pain. As Coach Tyler from W Shape emphasizes, "Practice these moves frequently at least every single week and your body will be able to do the things you want to for as long as possible."
When performing the sit-to-stand, there are a few key points to remember. First, ensure your knees are pointing in the same direction as your toes. Coach Tyler advises, "When you stand up try to wipe your toes to the outside like this turning your toes outward and push your knees outward at the same time." This activates your hip rotators and prevents knee pain.
The second move is the reverse lunge. This exercise strengthens the muscles needed for walking up hills or stairs. Coach Tyler explains, "The reverse lunge is really important because this strengthens all the muscles that we need to have strong for doing things like walking up a hill or a flight of stairs." When performing this move, remember to maintain a wide stance and focus on hinging at the hips rather than keeping your torso upright.
Next on our list is the plank. This exercise is essential for developing a strong core and maintaining overall body rigidity. One common mistake people make is pushing their hands up, which increases tension in the neck and shoulders. Instead, Coach Tyler suggests, "Instead of pushing your hands up you want to think about almost dragging our hands backwards like this they won't actually move but you want to generate tension in the lats and the serratus."
The fourth move is the frog deadlift, which teaches us how to properly pick things up off the ground. This movement is crucial for protecting our lower back. Coach Tyler advises, "We're pushing the butt back and hinging through the hips loading the glutes and the hamstrings." It's important to practice this movement within your flexibility range and gradually work on increasing that range over time.
Lastly, we have the tabletop exercise. This move is fantastic for maintaining shoulder flexibility, improving posture, and strengthening the entire posterior chain. Coach Tyler explains, "This is fantastic for maintaining shoulder flexibility improving posture and strengthening your glutes in your entire posterior chain all the muscles of your back at the same time."
Remember, these movements can be modified to suit your current fitness level. If you're struggling with any of these exercises, there are beginner steps you can take to work your way up. For instance, using a chair for support or performing partial ranges of motion can help you build strength and flexibility over time.
In conclusion
These five movements are essential for maintaining a healthy, functional body. When you move your body better you feel better in your body. By practicing these moves regularly and being mindful of how you move in your daily life, you can ensure that your body remains capable and pain-free for years to come. Remember, consistency is key, so try to incorporate these movements into your routine every single day.