Improving Squat Flexibility With 2 Stretches
The squat is a fundamental human movement that requires mobility in the ankles, hips and groin. Many people lack the flexibility to comfortably squat due to tight tissues. Coach Tyler shares two stretches to help improve squat range of motion.
Stretch Your Ankles
Tight ankles prevent dropping into a deep squat position. Kneel with one foot flat and test your ankle mobility. If limited, rock forward and back to mobilize the joint. Perform 10-20 reps per side.
Open Your Hips and Groin
The kneeling groin stretch targets the inner thighs and hip adductors. Kneel, walk your legs out and lean forward. Rock back and forth and rotate your hips to feel a deep stretch. Hold for 60-90 seconds.
Be Patient and Consistent
Gradually improve flexibility with consistent stretching. Test your squat depth after stretching, but don't expect dramatic changes instantly. Work on these moves daily, and over time you will gain mobility to comfortably drop into a squat position.