Master Motivation 6

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Secret to Endless Motivation: Appreciation and Self-Worth

If you constantly struggle with a lack of motivation, this step reveals the real key - cultivating self-appreciation and self-worth. The previous steps walked through recognizing and combating your harsh inner critic by reframing negative self-talk into positive affirmations about your worth.

But why is developing this inner appreciation so important? Because motivation rooted in self-hatred and judgment simply doesn't work long-term. Judging your body generates feelings of fear, negativity, and a sense that you should work out because you're inadequate. This misguided approach sets you up for burnout.

On the other hand, appreciating your body sparks feelings of love, positivity, and a desire to take care of yourself because you're innately worthy. From this mindset of intrinsic self-worth, you'll show up for workouts from a place of self-care rather than self-loathing.

To start embodying this shift, take the positive affirmation statements you wrote to counteract your inner critic's lies. Record yourself reading them aloud, and listen to this recording morning and night for 30 days minimum. Or, write them down to read first and last thing daily.

The key is repeatedly allowing these words of appreciation to sink in over time. As you cement beliefs about your inherent worthiness, you'll unlock an endless wellspring of lasting, self-motivated strength.

Stay tuned for the next step which will be a game-changer if you constantly feel starved for time. But for now, make building self-appreciation a daily practice and watch your motivation soar.

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DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information for you to discuss with your physician. This site does not provide any professional advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Our TERMS OF SERVICE limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site.

WeShape ® 2024

DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information for you to discuss with your physician. This site does not provide any professional advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Our TERMS OF SERVICE limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site.

WeShape ® 2024

DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information for you to discuss with your physician. This site does not provide any professional advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Our TERMS OF SERVICE limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site.

WeShape ® 2024